A business trip to Sweden

Hi, I am Fida. I’m 19 years old with many dreams. One of them is being an entrepreneur, especially in culinary sector. I want to introduce and bring Indonesian taste to the world. One of the most wanted country to visit is Sweden.

Sweden is one of the world’s happiest country in the world (based on http://worldhappiness.report/ed/2017/ )with 9.3 million population of people. The capital city is Stockholm. Their  Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is $ 35.876 per capita. Sweden has low level of poverty and unemployment. This country is also give good facility of health and has required go green culltivation behavior to another country.

There are many things make me want to visit Sweden. 

First, Sweden has good scenery of nature. It has 29 national parks filled with trees, mountains, lakes, and animals. So, the air must be fresh and it will be comfortable. 
Second, Sweden has snow in every winter. Snow brings cold, and I do believe, Indonesian traditional healthy drink will solve it. 

Third, Sweden has beaches. The beaches are clean and stunning, so if we feel stress with our business, we can go walk to the beach for a while and listening to the wave’s sound. It will make us feel relax and happy. 

Forth, Sweden also has meatballs ! Meatballs are not just Indonesian food, it is international foods. If Sweden has meatball too, I believe, introducing Indonesian taste to them are not really difficult. 

The last reason is, Sweden has Aurora Borealis, one of the natural wonders of the world, one of beautiful natural phenomenon in the world. Yes, I would like to visit Sweden one day. I hope, it will be true. Aamiin..

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  1. Oh no, so all this time I'm wrong. I think meatballs are Indonesian food. Thank you for your information, Fida. That's a new information for me...:):)

    1. Yes Siti, meatball is not just Indonesian food, but they are internasional food. Many country has meatball too, but of course they has many different of taste too with ours. Btw thankyou for visiting my blog :)


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