Picture of Abu Yusuf

Last week I met a new friend named Ya’qub bin Ibrahim bin Habib bin Khunais bin Sa’ad Al-Anshari Al-Jalbi Al-Kufi Al-Baghdadi, he is well known as Abu Yusuf. He was born in Kuffah on 113 H. He lives with his family in Kuffah, the central of Islamic culture in the world, place where pundits meet for share and discuss about many kinds of scholarly. Since childhood he has been studied to many pundits such as Abu Muhammad Atho bin as-Saib Al-Kufi, Sulaiman bin Mahran Al-A’masy, Hisyam bin Urwah, Muhammad bin Abdurrahman bin Abi Laila, Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Yassar bin Jabbar, and Al-Hajjaj bin Arthah.
With his friend Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Syaibani, he also studied to the most famous pundit in Kuffah named Abu Hanifah for seventeen years long. He was really happy to get the Fiqh and Commentary course. After Abu Hanifah died, because of his intelligent, Abu Yusuf is well known as the big teacher in Kuffah that shared Hanafi’s theory (mazhab) and he has many students. Abu Yusuf write books too. The title are : jawami’, ar-Radd ‘ala Siyar al-Auza’I, al-Atsar, Ikhtilaf Abi Hanifah wa Ibn Abi Laila, Adab al-Qadhi, and al-Kharaj.

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